Concept Design

After a thorough analysis of zoning criteria, we decide on the most suitable type of project. Studying the land and the surrounding area, we then develop the most suitable and creative concept design for a project any scale big or small.

Design Coordination

To complete the design of the project as planned in the beginning is EDC's responsibility, whether the design belongs to one of the designer companies that EDC represents or not. Once involved, EDC becomes an active and detail-oriented part of the team as the representative of the developer. It aims to coordinate all the disciplines while maintaining the superior design.

Visionary Retail Concepts

With over 20 years of involvement in retail design, EDC has an extensive database of contacts linking the company to the newest retail trends in the world. Whether the client is a shopping mall owner/manager or a single retailor, EDC will offer the vision of the most trendy to the project.


For most up-to-date information on education, please see the Education tab.


Tasarim Ofis Temsilciliği/Yerel Kontak

Faaliyetlerini tek bir merkezden yürütmeyi tercih eden uluslararası tasarım ofisleri için EDC, Türkiye'deki projeleri için yerel temsilcileri olarak görev yapmaktadır. Uluslararası tasarım firmalarının tüm yerel ihtiyaçları, bilgileri ve yardımı için EDC, yerel kontak görevi görür. EDC'nin bu hizmetle ilgili uzun bir referans listesi ve deneyimi bulunmaktadır.

* EDC, şirketin üzerinde çalıştığı tüm projeler için bir gizlilik sözleşmesi imzalar.

Project Management

EDC handles the management responsibility in projects that are produced by the partner international design companies. EDC coordinates the design with all disciplines and prepares weekly follow-up reports for center offices.